A Hacker Traps Red Dead Online Streamer to Get Banned

Hackers / hackers have become a common problem in every gaming industry, one of them is like in the game Red Dead Online. The cases that are usually caused by hackers must end up harming players. Well, recently there was a unique case, where there was a hacker who wanted to trap a Red Dead Online streamer to get banned.
This information is revealed through Gamerant. In the past two weeks, a hacker has disguised himself as a streamer using his display name, then killed the streamer’s followers by inviting him to the lobby. The followers were annoyed, then they reported the streamer to get banned immediately.
After that the HazardousHDTV streamer told his followers that he was being targeted by hackers. After he and some of his followers were invited to the lobby, the hackers killed them with an explosion, Hazardous decided to take a short break before moving to another lobby.
In the end, the hacker continued to follow and harass him until the stream was over.
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