A total of 5 million Free Fire accounts have been BANNED Permanently by Garena

Garena, as the game publisher, this time is really starting to take decisive steps, towards players who are judged to be cheating, in playing the game Free Fire. His side, will immediately eradicate / ban players who are considered unsupportive, which is what happened in eSports, the Free Fire battle royale.
Not only that, Garena has banned approximately 3.8 million cheater accounts in May 2021. And the plan is to add more to the list of banned accounts. Given that on July 7, Garena successfully banned 585 thousand accounts, and even this time, Garena banned around 1 million cheater accounts this week. It seems that the presence of cheaters is starting to worry free fire game players, and making the game less fun, therefore Garena’s side reiterates that it is really going to be banned which is permanent.
Not only that, Garena emphasized to all Free Fire players who still often use cheaters, that they will continue to investigate, and continue to ban accounts that are declared to be cheating.
“Our anti-hack team went into overdrive, trying to figure out this cheater. We were banned from more than 700 thousand accounts reported by users for trying to uphold supportiveness and this is why the cutcord operation was used. ” Official statement from Garena.
“The anti hack system has successfully banned 3.8 million accounts using third party programs, but the process of banned accounts will continue”
After being traced by the cutcord anti-hack operation system, which has an important role in studying the latest cheaters’ scripts, it turns out that for the most widely used cheat on Garena, Free Fire is a cheat for AutoAim, Teleport, Antenna and through shot. This cheat is also stated, almost the same as the one in the previous Garena game, PointBlank.
Unfortunately, the cheaters in the pointblank game owned by Garena, have not been able to completely be knocked out by Garena itself. Given this, does Garena feel able to eradicate cheaters in the Free Fire game in the future. Considering the number of accounts banned in the Free Fire game is quite high than before.
Garena also invites player participation to assist in reporting accounts that are considered to be using cheating (Cheat), his party emphasized, to immediately report the account on the official Garena website. And from his side, he has formed a special team to investigate fraudulent accounts that have cheats, you can call this team of investigators from Garena the Anti-Hack Operation Team.
Of the total number of banned accounts, around 66% came from reports from other players, who reported these accounts through the website. This makes Garena an input that at least quite a lot of players are annoyed by the presence of these cheaters. The popularity of the Free Fire Game is felt to be vulnerable to cheaters, for players who want to take an easier step.
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