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All Airports in the World Now Available in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2021

After previously showing off stunning screenshots and trailers, this time Microsoft Flight Simulator 2021 is back with additional information that is no less crazy.

In the latest video, Microsoft Flight Simulator 2021 ensures that they will bring all airports in the world in the game. These airports also include airports in Africa, Asia and Oceania. In addition to using data from Bing, the total of around 37,000 bodies will be manually edited to make it look more realistic and similar to real conditions.

Not only that, reportedly the 80 airports that are played the most will receive special treatment. The 80 airports will get better detail in the game.

This game is planned to be available for Xbox One as well as PC. However, for the release date there is no official information. Are you interested in trying this game when it’s released?

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