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Among Trees, a survival game that comes with stunning visuals!

Among Trees

FJRD as the developer has just announced its newest survival game sanbox Among Trees, which can now be played with early access at the Epic Games Store.

Last Saturday, during the PC Gaming Show, many developers displayed footage from their respective game trailers. Among the trailers that are shown there is 1 trailer that makes people who see it a little amazed, this game is Among Trees, which displays beautiful graphics and can spoil the eyes of those who see it directly.

Among Trees is a survival game that places players in a very beautiful forest. In this forest you can do various things, such as make houses out of wood, explore as you like, and even make new friends that you meet nearby. If you hear it, it looks like a simple game, but there is something you should be aware of, because the place you live in is the wild, so be aware of living things that are ready to pounce on you around.

Among Tress is now available as Early access on the Epic Games Store.

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