Anime Back Arrow's Latest PV Showcases the Theme Song from LiSA

The Twitter account for the Back Arrow anime uploaded the latest PV on November 27th. The PV also includes the opening song and ending song for the anime. For the opening, LiSA will sing a song titled “Dawn” and for the ending song titled Sekai no Hate which will be performed by Shuka Saito.
◆ 主題歌 決定 / PV 第 2 弾 公開 ◆
■ オ ー プ ニ ン グ テ ー マ : LiSA 「dawn」
■ エ ン デ ィ ン グ テ ー マ : 斉 藤 朱 夏 「セ カ イ ノ ハ テ」▼ ア ー テ ィ ス ト コ メ ン ト 公開 ???? https: //
▼ PV 第 2 弾 で OP テ ー マ 音源 使用 ???? https: //
ブ ラ イ ハ イ ト 戦 闘 シ ー ン な ど 新 規 カ ッ ト 多数!# バ ッ ク ・ ア ロ ウ– TV ア ニ メ 『バ ッ ク ・ ア ロ ウ』 公式 (@backarrow_info) November 27, 2021
The anime itself will begin airing on January 21, 2021, with a total of 24 episodes. The plan of the 24 episodes will be divided into 2 broadcast cour.
Studio VOLN was entrusted with the animation, under the direction of animation director Shinobu Ohtaka. He will also later play a role in character designing.
Here are some of the cast that have been revealed:
- Aya Suzaki as Atlee Ariel
- Yuuki Kaji as Back Arrow
- Ari Ozawa as Elsha Lean
- Ryotaro Okiayu as Kai Rhodan
- Tomokazu Seki as Shu Bi
- Megumi Han as Ren Sin
- Kensho Ono as Bit Namital
- Ami Koshimizu as Fine Forte
- Mikako Komatsu as Prax Conrad
Synopsis Back Arrow
Ringarindo is land surrounded by walls / walls. The walls cover, protect, cultivate and fertilize the soil. That wall is a god… it is the foundation of Ringarindo’s land.
One day, a mysterious man named Back Arrow appears in the village of Essha on the outskirts of Ringarindo. Arrow lost his memory, but said that all he knew was, “I came from behind the wall.” To restore her memories, Arrow came out of the wall, but at the stake she got into a fight with herself.
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