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Are you ready? Clash Of Clans (COC) Will Update Town Hall Level 13

the latest CoC Town Hall 13 update 2021

Clash Of Clans is a game that was famous in its time, namely in Indonesia. In fact, to this day there are still many players who are still playing the game. However, did you know there are unique facts in the following Clash Of Clans!

Clash Of Clans or what is often known as COC, is a simulation game and also a Real Time game that is traced for strategy games. This game has also become a favorite game in the past. Players can make their village more developed and successful by taking treasures from opposing villages.

Clash Of Clans is a game with a strategy genre created by Suppercell, and the developer is still updating the game until now so that it is still popular even though the ratings from other games have been given. Even now, Supercell is making a big update for players. The following is one of the interesting and very rewarding things from the later update, namely Town Hall level 13.

Quoted from Dot Esports, to be able to upgrade to Town Hall level 13, players must get to Town Hall 12 first, players must also reach the Max Giga Tesla level. The theme for Town Hall level 13 is “Dark Elixir and Ice /”, so Supercell looks like it will give a darker and snowier impression in the next update. Town Hall Level 13 can also penetrate and attack enemy troops using the “Giga Inferno” weapon. Not only that, this update also features several buildings such as Siege Barracks and Scattershot.

Update on the latest CoC Hero for yeri 2021

There are also 2 new Hero characters presented in this update, namely Yeti and also The Royal Champion. Surely this will also be a very big update and also very exciting Clash of Clans players around the world.

In addition to upgrading Town Hall level 13, the update will also feature 2 new heroes, namely The Royal Champion and Yeti. Of course this will also be a very big and exciting update for Clash Of Clans players. As usual, every time a player advances to the Town Hall level, there will be several new features that appear.

Until now, the latest update for Clash of Clans has been shown several times and players can see the changes presented and also upgrade their base later.

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