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Dread Out: The True Miss Siska is Behind All Evil

DreadOut, who doesn’t know this global horror game from Indonesia. This game tells about some high school students who are on vacation with their teacher, Miss Siska.

There are several characters in this game, namely Sherly, Ira, Anto, Yayan, Miss Siska as the teacher and Linda as the main character.

This time Mimin seemed to highlight Miss Siska as the villain. Linda needs to know who is behind all this scary stuff. Let’s look at this story….

Linda continues to look for Miss Siska’s whereabouts because she is the only one who understands this problem. “Well, I’m sure, Miss Siska is behind all this. I have to be able to keep looking for it as fast as possible before it all ends in death ”. Linda remembered when Miss Siska was a little cunning when she brought her friends to go on vacation. Instead of going to a busy and fun place, he misled his friends to an uninhabited city. “This is not true. Can I prevent it ??? ” Linda wondered in her heart. “Be patient, hopefully there is valuable experience there. But .. ”Suddenly Linda was shocked when Doni and Yayan fought in the back seat.

“Halah … where are you?”, Yayan said to Doni “Meneketehe” Doni briefly while inviting Yayan to fight. “Ah you, basic ..” They fought behind. Meanwhile Shelly feels rishi with both reseering and childish. Ira, who had been silent, suddenly smiled at Linda. He also seemed to give a sign that “the game will start”. Linda just saw it with a flat gaze. Meanwhile, Miss Siska continued to take them to the uninhabited city. Unfortunately, the tires of the car they were riding in broke so that the trip was stopped. Coupled with the access road that is split open, in the end they have to be in the dead city who knows how long.

“Kids, it looks like we can’t go there because the car tires are flat. Then I can’t go there because the access road is damaged so that the car can’t pass it. Let’s explore this city, “said Miss Siska. “Looks like it’s not right, but ok .. I’ll continue this journey”, muttered Linda to herself. They all followed the dead city until finally they parted in that creepy city.

Starting from Yayan who mysteriously disappeared, then Doni who died by a half-body ghost. Followed by Sherly who died hanging herself because she could not bear the burden there. Meanwhile ira still does not know whether it is dead or not. Linda had taken her to a place and she brought a creepy suize doll. She was lying there while playing the game, Linda used that opportunity to be able to escape from all the weird things that happened to Ira. “I’m starting to be suspicious of Miss Siska. Maybe he did, ”guessed Linda.

The last time Linda met Miss Siska was when she was in the UKS room near the school grounds. Linda was not alone because at that time there was still Sherly who accompanied her. Linda suspects that Miss Siska is being mean to her friends when Miss Siska tells her to find her friends alone. Meanwhile, Sherlly was ordered to accompany herself, who was indeed sick after her neck was bleeding (I don’t know why ????). That’s where Miss Siska’s crime is, she tries to kill Sherly slowly so that it makes her feel stressed and frustrated with her condition.

“Haha…. I’m sure all of them won’t be left, except for me. If everything is realized, I can get what I want haha ​​.. ”said Miss Siska, who turned out to be working with ghosts to kill Linda’s friends. However, Linda was still confused by Miss Siska’s behavior after she was in the city of the dead. “Is he the culprit, or the ghosts who controlled Miss Siska all this time to kill my friends ???”.

After Ira, Linda arrived at the place where the wedding ceremony had been. There he fought the half-body ghost who killed Doni. Not only him, other ghosts also attacked Linda such as Pocong, Jurig Pengantin, and Ratu Sinden who have a pretty strong magic. Linda has to fight them and almost die, fortunately she still has weapons, namely SLR and Irish Phone to kill all of them. It took a long time to kill the ghosts who were ready to “eat it”. Any time.

After finishing fighting the ghosts earlier, Linda was surprised by the presence of Miss Siska, who was walking hurriedly carrying a baby in her hand. He also approached Linda with a scary voice: “Look Linda, this is the result of my collaboration with the ghosts here to kill your friends haha. I got a snake-tailed child .. ”Then Miss Siska ran out somewhere. Meanwhile Linda felt nauseous and finally vomited after seeing that disgusting baby. “I did not think that Miss Siska acted this cruel. I have to tell all my school friends so that they don’t become victims like, Yayan, Doni, Sherlly, and Ira, “said Linda. He also looked for a way out of the city through towering hills to get to the main road.

He continued to climb the hills until finally he came to the main road. Not long after, a police officer came over to him: “good night, miss, why are you doing this ??? Her clothes are so shabby ??? surprised the police. “Just take me to the police station first, sir. I’ll tell you everything in the car, “said Linda. Linda told a long story that she and her friends were trying to be killed by Miss Siska, her teacher. The teacher was not only alone in carrying out the action, but was helped by the ghosts so that he managed to kill 4 of the 5 students (only Linda survived the tragedy). “Please, you handle the case. I was not strong enough with everything that was there. If you can just arrest Miss Siska, because she has proven to be the mastermind behind all these cases, ”Linda begged. The police officer replied: “Yes, miss. We will wait for the process and try to interrogate the place concerned ”.

Finally Linda returned home and met her parents. He immediately collapsed on his parents’ lap. “Why are you neng ??” her mother and father wondered. After Linda woke up, she told them everything about the vacation that had led to death. His mother and father can only advise him: “pray more, sister. God willing, they will be afraid because the Almighty is with us. ”Linda nodded and then she fell asleep leaning on her mother’s knee.

If you are still curious about this game, Mimin will share the download link below


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