Even though E3 2021 was canceled, E3 will continue in the coming year

The E3 event has always been an event that gamers look forward to every year. The most prestigious annual event in the international gaming industry is always lively every year. And E3 2021 had to be canceled because of the Coronavirus outbreak that has not subsided.
Many parties including the fans were disappointed. This is natural because the event was canceled at the last moment before it was held. But there is no need to drag on in sadness, the Entertainment Software Association officially announced that E3 will continue in 2021 from June 15 to June 17. In addition, they are currently trying to provide various options for members who were “disadvantaged” by the cancellation of E3 2021 to promote various games they made.
The cancellation of E3 2021 made several major publishers decide to make their own shows this year. One of them is Microsoft which will announce the event in the near future.
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