Genshin Impact Redeem Code November 2021, Hurry Claims

Redeem Code Genshin Impact – After being released a while ago, Genshin Impact has managed to attract the attention of the audience gamers around the world.
Some of you might feel annoyed when the gacha results you get don’t match your expectations. It’s annoying again when other people get the character we want, while we zonk.
Various features and updates continue to be carried out by Mihoyo so that players feel comfortable when playing, including by providing Primogems and adventurer’s experiences for free.
So, do you want gacha in Genshin Impact but the primogems are running out? Don’t worry, use the latest Genshin Impact code redeem in November 2021.
Redeem code
Following redeem code latest Genshin Impact:
Buddy can get 50 Primogems from the redeem code claim above
Then how to activate or claim redeem code this?
Activation way redeem code
Before you enter the code above, make sure it has reached Adventure Level 10. One of the conditions for a claim redeem code Genshin Impact must reach Adventure Level 10.
How to redeem the Redeem Codes is quite easy
- You have to enter the game menu by pressing the paimon image in the upper left corner of the game close to the mini map.
- After that, you have to enter the settings menu.
- Then enter the account menu, then select redeem code
- Enter the redeem code above, wait until the process is complete and there is a notification message.
- And voila you have got 50 free primogems.
Come on, buddy, immediately use the genshin impact code redeem before the exchange period runs out.
If the redeem code fails, there is a possibility that the code has been redeemed expire or exceeded the quota so that the redeem code can no longer be used.
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