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Ghost Games Disbanded, EA returned Need For Speed ​​to Criterion

Need For Speed: Heat
Need For Speed: Heat via EA

You definitely know the road racing game Need For Speed? Well, recently EA (Electronic Arts) Announces that development of the Need For Speed ​​series will be returned to Criterion Games. This was done because the Ghost Games that worked on Need For Speed: Heat were deemed incapable of lifting this popular franchise, they also had difficulty finding experts in Gothenburg / Sweden. Besides that, the number of developers who understood Frostbite Engine was also the reason they decided this. .

Ghost Games has been disbanded and returned to Criterion Games

Currently EA has disbanded Ghost Games, their office will also be overhauled to become the EA Gothenburg Office. Some of the developers at Ghost Games will be moved to Criterion Games or another studio. Then for the future, EA Gothenburg will no longer exist as a maker studio gamesHowever, it will be a support team that will handle development engine Frostbite.

After EA moves Ghost Games, of course Criterion Games and former Ghost developers will be appointed and assigned to carry them the Need for Speee franchised to the next development. Criterion Games is also the developer behind the success of the Need For Speed ​​series such as Need For Speed ​​Hot Pursuit and Need For Speed: Most Wanted which were so popular a few years earlier.

So, let’s wait for the development of the next Need For Speed ​​after Criterion Games is assigned to bring the next Need For Speed ​​Franchise!

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