Haikyu !! To the Top Returns in October 2021

After the announcement regarding the Haikyu manga !! which is coming to an end, the second or last cour of the last season of Haikyu !! namely Haikyu !! To the Top is also confirmed to start airing in October. Actually, the second cour schedule was scheduled for July or this season, but had to be postponed due to the covid-19 outbreak.
Now production has restarted, and we can look forward to the continuation of Haikyu !! To the Top this fall. The second half of the season will feature episodes 14 through 25.
【第 2 ク ー ル 10 月 よ り 放送 決定】
放送 延期 と な っ て い た 『ハ イ キ ュ ー !! TO THE TOP 』第 2 ク ー ル が 、 10 月 よ り MBS, TBS, BS-TBS“ ア ニ メ イ ズ ム 枠 ”に て 放送 決定 !!
宮 兄弟 擁 す る “最強 の 挑 戦 者” 稲 荷 崎 高校 と の 激 闘 に ご 期待 下 さ い !! https: //t.co/OnyXTFNNrC# ハ イ キ ュ ー #hq_anime pic.twitter.com/SDxQEdlgpl– ア ニ メ 「ハ イ キ ュ ー !!」 (@animehaikyu_com) July 13, 2021
We certainly can’t wait for Hinata and her friends’ struggle in the high school volleyball competition against other strong players. This anime, which presents a lot of emotional scenes, is indeed fun to follow. How about you? Are you impatient waiting for the anime to air?
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