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Platinum Games Introduces Their New Engine

There are lots of well-known game-making engines out there like Unreal or Unity. These two engines are not only famous and free, but also used by well-known developers such as Square Enix with Final Fantasy VII which uses Unreal Engine 4, Ori and The Will of The Wisp using the Unity engine.

However, some companies finally decided to make their own engine because they were not satisfied with the existing engine. One of them is Platinum Games, which recently introduced their engine, the Platinum Engine.

Together with the Tokyo studio, Platinum Games announced that they are currently developing their engine that will be used in their game releases.

This decision was made because the engine they have been using is more focused on visuals. Based on the results found by the RND team, it was decided that building a new engine was the most appropriate solution to make their production more efficient.

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