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Hero Natalia gets her nerf back


Natalia, the assassin hero who has silence skills and can disappear around the lawn of dawn map, is reportedly getting nerfed by Moonton. The reason is because the burst damage given by the hero is very painful. Besides that, this hero often becomes a banned subscription at the top tier as well.

This was revealed through the @Darifixkun Instagram account, which shows that Natalia’s passive skill will be nerfed. When you try to attack an enemy in a disappearing state, now the silence effect will be completely removed.

This eliminated silence effect will of course make Natalia’s hero not like it used to be, just imagine if there is a hero who has stunt skills, coupled with high damage, such as Eudora and Aurora, of course it will make it difficult for this hero to kill his opponent.

So what do you think of Natalia hero users? Is the nerf this time quite bad? Of course, for some of the reasons above, we can also conclude that this hero is likely to be out of the banned list in the high tiers.

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