Hideo Kojima: Photo Mode Feature Coming Soon on PS4 Death Stranding!

The presence of Death Stranding, which will be released in the near future, brings a number of improvements such as a higher support framerate and a more captivating visualization. What’s more, the addition of an interesting new feature, namely Photo Mode. However, this special feature was not previously present in the PS4 which was released earlier, causing cons for Death Stranding PS4 players who want this feature.
Through Hideo Kojima’s personal Twitter account, he announced that the PC version of Photo Mode will also be available PS4 thanks to requests from many players PS4 Death Stranding.
In addition, he also said that this feature is currently in its final stage, and that it is endeavored to be present in the update at the end of this month. Well, the presence of this feature will certainly complement the Death Stranding game where with the Photo Mode feature, you can get a little entertainment when you are tired of walking too long by taking pictures of beautiful scenery in the game, taking selfies with various expressions and other creative ideas. which you might be able to create later.
As information, Death Strading will land on PC via Steam on 2 June.
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