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Horizon Zero Dawn PC Version Confirmed to Support Ultrawide Monitors!

Horizon Zero Dawn is confirmed to support ultrawide monitors

The latest news comes Recently from Horizon Zero Dawn: Complete Edition or version PCThe game is that the game will support ultrawide monitors with a 21: 9 aspect ratio. So, you can experience a wider viewing angle with this “Super Wide” screen.

This is also true, with confirmation by one of the developers Guerilla Games. Initially one of the users Steam The discussion forum on the Steam page asks whether to support Ultrawide monitors like Death Stranding because they run the same machine. And finally one of the developers named Anne then confirmed that the first screenshot on the Store Page was indeed taken from the monitor ultrawide version PC-his.

Well, even though Horizon Zero Dawn is no longer an exclusive PlayStation 4 game and has been launched on the PC platform, of course this has drawn pros and cons for PS 4 gamers over the decision. Guerilla Games as the developer working on the porting. Even so, maybe you will be happy with the following move that recently the exclusive PC game Asseto Corsa Competizione will be ready to be released for the PlayStation 4 Console and Xbox One on June 23rd.

So, what about GameZero friends? Are you looking forward to playing it on the “Super Wide” Monitor in the future?

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