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How Deep Will COVID-19 Affect Anime Production?

COVID-19, a pandemic caused by corona virus recently made the world always filled with worry. Flu-like symptoms have caused massive economic and social upheaval in China, South Korea and Italy. The situation is developing rapidly, and now several places in Indonesia have implemented complete city closures. so yeah, this is a huge problem of course. So what COVID-19 influence some studios that produce anime?

covid-19 anime

To answer this question let’s start with Japan’s own containment measures. On February 25, the government asked for the suspension of all major gatherings and the closure of all schools. Many Japanese companies also allow, encourage, or require their workers to work from home. This is in order to minimize person-to-person contact which reduces the risk of transmission.

A number of anime studios have told their employees to work from home. A lot of freelance animators are already working remotely, so there’s not a lot of distraction there. However, some CG studios only give employees access to expensive 3-D software on their office computers, so working from home requires setting up a VPN (virtual private network) to allow them to log on to the computer remotely.

Some studios have their own methods / ways of working. Twin Engine (Pet) announced publicly that they require all employees to work from home after one of their workers reported that he was in close contact with an infected person corona virus. One of the anime that fans of Re: Zero – Starting Life in Another World have been waiting for a lot, had to be postponed.

This virus is really bad, not only disrupting the economy, social, and several companies out there, but the virus has also affected the bottom line of anime companies.

Several premiere films had to be postponed. To make matters worse, the Japanese Anime industry trade show canceled entirely. It wasn’t just a blow to fans, but also to companies that were counting on marketing their new titles and holding important business meetings at conventions.

So the point is that COVID-19 has really affected anime production and marketing, although recently information about COVID-19 has gotten worse, hopefully those of you who are out there will take good care of yourself.

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