How Do You Turn into an Animal in GTA Online?

Once again, Rockstar Games, gives players the opportunity to turn into animals in GTA Online by finding Peyote plants scattered around the map.
Even though it is seven years old, GTA Online is still one of the most popular open world games. Because in this game you can do almost anything you want.
At the April 6 update for GTA Online, the developers are giving players the opportunity to turn into animals in GTA Online. Yes, that’s right, swapping human bodies for animal bodies on the streets of Los Santos.
How to find Peyote plants in GTA Online
Thanks to gosunoob, you can use the map below to find each Peyote plant location in GTA Online. All you have to do is go to one of the red dots listed below:
After you eat one of the plants, you will turn into an animal until the animal is killed. Then, you will return to your normal form.
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