IPhone 12 Event Then Show Gameplay from LOL Wild Rift!

The event that all Apple lovers have been waiting for has officially announced detailed information on their products, namely the iPhone 12 and iPhone 12 pro. Amazingly, this smartphone supports 5G speeds. However, there is one interesting thing for gamers to see about the Apple event which was held a few days ago.
The event discussed a little about the performance of the iPhone 12 when playing a game that will soon be released, namely League of Legends: Wild Rift. Surely this is good news for you iPhone users because the game is likely to be released for the iOS platform as well and the minimum specifications required for the iPhone 6.
Riot Games executive producer Michael Chow said “The current iPhone 12 which is coupled with the A14 Bionic chipset and supports 5G speeds is the right thing to bring LoL Wild Rift games to the iOS platform”.
Even though the game is still in the pre-registration stage, many gamers have already tried LoL Wild Rift at the trial stage. What do you think, GameZero friends, will this game be able to beat other mobile moba games?
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Source : YouTube Apple
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