Love Live Fans Send 10 Thousand Masks to Numazu City, Japan

Since the pandemic coronavirus which continues, Japanese society continues to lack masks. Currently masks are very difficult to find in the nearest shops, even in Indonesia.
But the situation is getting a little better in the city Numazu, Japan . On April 13, the mayor of Numazu Shuichi Yorishige received the email from a group that said:
“We heard that there are people in Numazu who have been infected with the coronavirus, so we are worried and want to donate some masks.”
The offer didn’t come from another city even somewhere in Japan, but from a group of people who cared about it China.
The group that provides this assistance is Shanghai Love Livers, they volunteered to buy 10,000 masks which was then sent to Japan. The delivery arrived in Numazu on Thursday in a box marked with a message of the lyrics Love Live! Sunshine !! “Omoi wa Hitotsu ni Nare.”
5 月 7 日 (木), 中国 の 「ラ ブ ラ イ ブ! サ ン シ ャ イ ン !!」 の フ ァ ン の 皆 様 か ら 「僕 達 は い つ も 沼 津 の 皆 さ ん か ら 愛 を 受 け 取 り, い つ も お 世 話 に な っ て い る の で, 感謝 の 気 持 ち を 伝 え た か っ た。 」と 、 マ ス ク 1 万枚 が 寄 付 さ れ ま し た。
『山川 異域 風月 同 天』
沼 津 市民 を 代表 し 、 心 よ り 感謝 申 し 上 げ ま す‼ ️
– よ り し げ 秀 一 (@YorishigeNumazu) May 7, 2021
“On behalf of the Numazu people, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts” tweete Yorishige, and other Japanese Twitter users also expressed their gratitude and joy for the generosity fueled by the anime.
As a token of gratitude for their help, the masks were distributed to the community and several hospitals. The city government of Numazu offered to send some of the benefactors Love Live! Sunshine !! merchandise. However, Shanghai Love Livers turned down the offer, because all they wanted to do was help.
It is very noble for their actions, hopefully this kindness will be rewarded by the almighty in the future.
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