Love Live! School Idol Festival: After School Activity Releases on PlayStation 4

Good news for you fans of Love Live !. The reason games rhythm arcade Love Live! School Idol Festival: After School Activity was announced to be released for Playstation 4 with the same title at the Aqours ONLINE concert which took place on October 10 – 11, 2021.
The ps4 version of the game will still be worked on by Square Enix with the addition of English translations.
The difference is, the PS4 version of gameplay will only have 6 note instead of 9 from the arcade version due to the limitations of the Dualshock 4 controller.
Square Enix as a game developer has not provided further details regarding the release of this game for PS4.
/# ス ク フ ェ ス AC が
PlayStation4 に 登場 ???? ✨
\ラ ブ ラ イ ブ! ス ク ー ル ア イ ド ル フ ェ ス テ ィ バ ル
~ after school ACTIVITY ~
わ い わ い! Home Meeting !!
制作 決定 ????μ’s と Aqours 、 Saint Snow の ラ イ ブ を 今 度 は 大 画面 で ???? お 家 で わ い わ い 楽 し も う ????
公式 サ イ ト # PS4
– ラ ブ ラ イ ブ! シ リ ー ズ 公式 (@LoveLive_staff) October 10, 2021
For complete information, please visit the official Square Enix website here
This game will be very worth the wait for lovers of the rhythm game genre. Are you GameZeRO friends interested?
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