Mobile Legends: Benedetta, the newest OP Assassins-type hero

Mobile Legends has provided one more new hero of the Assassins type who has the ability to dominate any match. This hero is Benedteta, this Overpowered Hero has 4 skill sets which are quite interesting to discuss.
This new hero has 4 abilities that are very different from the others. Here are some unique Benedetta skills.
Benedetta’s 1st skill is Shadow Slash. With a little step back, Benedetta immediately cast a shadow in front of him. Its shadows can simultaneously strike towards the opponent.
Skill 2 of this hero is called an eye for an eye. In his 2nd skill, he will defend against 1 enemy attack for a specified time and get crowd control immunity for a few moments. After defending this hero will attack the enemy who attacks him, which can give physical and slow damage to the enemy. What’s interesting is that if Benedetta manages to block CC like a stun from an enemy attack, Benedetta will also stun the enemy back.
Benedetta’s ultimate skill is called Alecto: Final Blow. This hero will dash to the area he has determined. With only a short delay, this hero will attack the path in its path.
This hero is one of the OP heroes who has many advantages. What are you waiting for ? just go ahead and use this one hero.
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