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Mobile Legends Presents Battle Emote for All Teams on MPL ID S6!


Every online game has its own way of insulting an opponent, one of which is dancing in front of a dead enemy. Now this method is also done by Mobile Legends players such as Recalling in front of the enemy and even giving them a battle emote sticker with the aim of lowering the opponent’s mentality.

Moonton as the developer of the moba Mobile Legends game has added various models and styles for each recall and battle emote. In order to further enliven the MPL Indonesia Season 6 event, their party issued an emote with pictures of each team participating in the tournament.

Surely with the presence of this battle emote, it will enliven the match because each team will show each other the Battle Emote of their proud team and will make the match even more enthusiastic, of course.

How about GameZero friends? If you are interested in this MPL edition of Battle Emote, you can buy it through the Shop menu. Make sure you buy your favorite team’s Battle Emote. Also get updated news about other games via this page, ok 🙂

Source: MPL ID

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