Movie Cells at Work! Show Latest Trailers and Visuals

The cells will return to work immediately. The theatrical film version of Cells at Work! is scheduled to hit theaters in Japan on September 5. And now we can see the trailer, visual key, as well as information about who will be the voice actor.
Movie titled Tokubetsu Jōei-ban “Hataraku Saibō !!” Saikyō no Teki, Futatabi. Karada no Naka wa “Chō” Ōsawagi! will star the original cast of the TV series, plus Yuri Yoshida, Rie Takahashi, Natsumi Fujiwara, and Yurika Kubo as the lactic acid bacteria team.
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『「 は た ら く 細胞 !! 」最強 の 敵 、 再 び。 体 の 中 は“ 腸 ”大 騒 ぎ!』 の 最新 映像 を 使用 し た 本 予 告 を 公開 ✨
TV ア ニ メ 第 2 期 の 中 で 描 か れ る 原作 コ ミ ッ ク ス 第 5 巻 の エ ピ ソ ー ド を オ ン エ ア に 先 駆 劇場 上映 す る, 9
???? https: // は た ら く 細胞
– 『は た ら く 細胞』 公式 (@hataraku_saibou) July 4, 2021
For those of you who can’t watch it directly in Japan, don’t worry because it looks like this movie is just a special presentation for the second season of the anime Cells at Work !! which will air in January 2021.
Just like the second season, this theatrical film will be directed by Hirofumi Ogura (Black Butler II) at the studio David Production.
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