Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit Remastered Will Be Released Next November!

Recently EA officially announced the presence of Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit remastered.
Will launch on Current-Gen consoles such as the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and the PC platform, this remastered version is known to also bring a variety of modern features.
Since this is a remastered version, of course there are improvements in terms of visuals. Moreover, this game comes with the support of the Cross-Play feature which allows you to play together even though on different platforms.
Later you can run the racing game at up to 4K resolution on PC, PS4 Pro, and Xbox One X. As for the Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One can play this game at a resolution of 1080p 30 fps only.
Apart from that, Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit remastered will also come with all the major DLCs. And there will be more achievements, car colors, wraps, hard stop reduction, new photo mode and gallery, and several other updates. All of these will be available at the game launch.
Just information, Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit Remastered will be released on November 6, 2021 to Playstation 4, Xbox One, and of course PC (via Steam and Origin). Not to forget, this racing game will also visit the Nintendo Switch on November 13, 2021. How do you think? GameZeRO buddy? Are you ready to reminisce and play with your friends?
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