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Nier Re[in]carnation Features Their First Trailer

Square Enix is ​​celebrating the 10th anniversary of the NieR game series. In their latest video, they show their first look at Nier: Reincarnation’s gameplay. In accordance with Yoko Taro’s original vision, this first Nier mobile game retains the mellow notes of the other series.

NieR Re[in]Carnation is a mobile game that was announced at the end of March, and was developed with a different gameplay from the previous series. While there isn’t a lot of information available regarding the game, there is a new Trailer which at least gives us a little detail and a glimpse into the gameplay.

This short gameplay only features basic movements of a young woman moving through a series of ruins with a friend in tow. It was clear that his friend was like wearing a casper costume that is usually worn at Halloween celebrations.

This game will be done by Applibot, a game developer from Japan who is responsible for various android games such as 3D Blade x Lord, which will be released on PC by the same publisher.

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