Overwatch Now Starts Banning Hero in Competitive Mode

Season 21 Competitive Mode Overwatch starts today with four popular heroes on the bench. Hanzo, Mei, Orisa and Baptiste will start the most blocked season for players. If one of these heroes is your main player, you have to find someone else to play for a week. This is Blizzard’s first attempt to rock the Overwatch meta. Every week a different set of heroes will be blocked, so if you like playing as Mei, he will have to come back next week.
Overwatch developer Scott Mercer said the team got feedback from players that the meta was taking too long to process. “Especially in the highest ranking games, such as Masters and Grandmasters, we’ve seen the meta become clearer,” he said. “The better you are at the game, the more you start to see the effect of what players consider to be the strongest heroes. Even after our decision to change the composition of the team to 2-2-2, creating a change in the meta was difficult. We started to be more aggressive with the hero balance in hopes that it would affect the meta, but we are still worried that it won’t be enough for the players. Hero Pools is part of a solution to overcome the desire of players to constantly change meta. “
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