Play DDLC Games on GNU / Linux

How to Play DDLC Games on GNU / Linux. Okay, maybe a little behind if we just discussed the Doki Doki Literature Club game! now. However, I think that enthusiasts of this game are still quite busy, as evidenced by the subreddit which is still active until now.
Actually this game can be played for free and downloaded via Steam. However, the Steam version itself is only available for MacOS and Windows versions.
The game developer has actually ported it to Linux so you can play the game on Linux without having to use Wine. I myself am surprised that the Steam aversion doesn’t just keep up with providing a Linux version.
To play DDLC on Linux without Wine, all you have to do is download the game on Download the Windows version. Here I will not teach you how to download it. Okay, once downloaded, extract the .zip file.
Now in the extracted folder there is a launcher file named You just have to execute the file in the background with the command ./ The use of the sign “&“Behind the command serves to” bring “the process to the background.
My experience playing this game is quite smooth and there are no errors. Understandably, this game from the start is classified as a light game.
And if you use a GPU like Nvidia, take it easy because this game will run using that GPU.
Save the game is located in the ~ / .renpy directory.
Okay maybe that is my first article about gaming on Linux. Just wait for the next article.
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