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PlayStation 5 Worth 8 Million Now Experiencing Interference

PlayStation 5

Sony’s newest gaming console, the PlayStation 5, is reportedly hit by a bug this time. This makes all users have difficulty downloading console game applications easily. On this console, such as Glitch download There is an inscription which means “queue to download”, that is, there is an error status when the user tries to download an application or game that is on the PlayStation 5.

And the only way out that can be done in solving this problem, is by factory reset or in other words, resetting the PlayStation 5 console to its original settings, factory settings. Reported from a source from Gizmochina, the glitch is what PlayStation 5 users experience.

Incidents like this have been experienced by many ordinary people, many users have reported error problems like this when downloading a game on the PlayStation 5 console that was just about to be used when trying to download this game for the first time.

Unfortunately, due to difficulties in downloading this game, the PlayStation5 Console game performance has also become stuck and interrupted.

Given the inaugural launch of the PlayStation5, at that time PS5 Regular priced at a fairly high value US $ 499.99 per unit, or an assumed price worth Rp. 7 million Indonesia. And PS5 Digital Edition, priced at a price US $ 399.9 or an assumption of a price worth Rp. 5.6 million. In fact, it was reported that the PS5 unit had already sold out just before the day it was launched.

But on China itself, even though Sony has not announced the official release date of this Sony-owned product, there are actually a number of resellers who have fixed the price for the PlayStation 5. US $ 1,500 per unit or equivalent assumption of value Rp. 27.3 million. It is even reported that online sales from the site have officially opened the PlayStation 5 pre-order starting at Rp. 21 million to Rp. 27.3 million each unit. Even though the world market price of the Regular PlayStation5 is only around the price Rp. 7 million to Rp 5,6 million only. This indicates that the price of PlayStation5 through resellers has reached a high increase of up to three times the price it should have.

With the high prices that buyers experience when using the PlayStation 5, to deal with complaints from PlayStation5 customers, Sony said that it has not been able to comment on this bug, but the Publisher from Call Of Duty, suggest that users do factory reset or factory reset, if you experience a failure while downloading applications and games. His party also suggested to carry out an examination on library from PlayStation5 to see that the user already has applications and games, but it can be seen from the PlayStation5 Store that the user has not made a purchase of the application or game on the PS5 console.

To date, judging by the incoming reports, from the download glitch. This disturbance only affects games and applications that are specific to the PlayStation 5 console. The list of games affected by the failed download, including Godfall, Call Of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, Spiderman, Demon’s Souls, and the Disney Plus streaming application.

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