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Popol and Kupa, the New Marksman in Mobile Legends to be Released on the Original Server Soon!

New Hero Marksman, Popol and Kupa will soon be released on mobile legends

After previously the Hero Atlas was released on the Original Server, now Mobile Legends is known to be releasing new heroes soon, namely Popol and Kupa. This hero is a new hero with a marksman role which is quite unique because he has a wolf companion who is ready to help him in both attacking and protecting matters.

Popol and Kupa have 4 active skills that can be used to attack their enemies. His 1st skill can be used to command Kupa to bite his opponent quickly and deal high enough damage, and Kupa will also carry out three follow-up attacks. His 2nd skill can be used to summon Kupa to Popol’s side to protect him, and provide a shield to the marksman hero, and order him to attack opponents around Popol.

Then his Skill 3 itself would throw a trap in the direction he wanted. The trap will last for 60 seconds and can pull up to three traps (like Diggie). Opponents who step on this trap will be subject to a binding effect that makes them unable to move. His ultimate skill will increase the damage from skill 1 and skill 2. Skill 1 will have a stun effect, and skill 2 will have a knock up effect with additional damage.

Well, Popol and Kupa are rumored to be releasing soon on the Mobile Legends Original server along with their normal skins on April 21, 2021, at the end of this month. What do you think, friend GameZeRO about this unique Hero? Are you interested in having it when it’s released later? We recommend that you collect Battle Points or Diamonds from now on!

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