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Release of Persona 4 Golden on PC Huge Success

After a long wait, Persona 4 Golden finally released the PC version via Steam. The presence of the Persona series officially on this platform has long been awaited by PC gamers. Well, this time the game is actually released on the PC version, supported by an affordable region price and also a pretty solid port. As a result, the popularity of this game has increased.

Data from the Steam Chart also shows that the number of online players simultaneously beat Final Fantasy XV PC. This also made this game successful in getting the title of the most popular offline JRPG game ever on Steam.

Atlus himself also agrees with this. Through their Twitter account, they mentioned that Persona 4 Golden on PC can be called a great success. They also thanked the gamers who had played and finished this game, and advised not to give spoilers to other gamers.

How about you? Has anyone also played this game?

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