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Valve Officially Cancels Tournament CS: GO Major 2021!

Valve Officially Cancels the Tournament
GoolgeImage / CSGO (Source: @lepasjenuh)

Valve officially canceled the tournament CS: GO Major 2021, you know why?

Valve Corporation, as known as Valve software is an American video game developer headquartered in Bellevue, Washington.

It is a developer of such software application platforms Steam and Counter-Strike, Left 4 Dead, and the game series Dota.

Recently, Valve as a game developer Counter-Strike has officially canceled the tournament CS: GO Major Championship which is titled CS: GO Major Championship Spring 2021.

GoogleImage / Major2021
(source: @lepasjenuh)

Valve, first introducing Major Championship in 2013 then with the name DreamHack Winter 2013. Originally this tournament had a total prize pool of $ 250,000, now CSGO Major Prize Pool prizes of $ 1 million and will feature 24 teams from around the world.

Launched through the site liquipedia, tournament Major Championship will be planned on 10 to 23 May 2021. But it must be canceled without clear reasons. Even so, many also speculated that the main reason for the cancellation was the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

The good news, Valve still has one other Major tournament on Europe that is CS: GO Major Championship Fall 2021 which will be held on November 1 to November 14, 2021. And they have partners ready for this biggest CS: GO tournament.

Of course with the cancellation of the tournament, gamers have to postpone to feel the atmosphere of the Major which used to be present in recent years.

Just for additional information, last time Valve held a Major tournament for CS: GO was in 2021 then with a tournament StarLadder Berlin Major 2021.

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