Rockstar Starting a New Game?

Some game developers prefer to prioritize game quality over quantity. As a result, the developer only released a few games in a certain period of time, but the games they released were always successful in the market.
One of them is Rockstar Games. They usually only release one or two games per platform generation, but the games they release have always been a huge success. Examples are GTA V or Red Dead Redemption 2 which are still busy playing. The question now is what game Rockstar will release next.
There are many rumors circulating on the internet. Many say that Rockstar is working on GTA VI, some say they are working on Bully 2. But it seems that Rockstar itself is still silent even though many are curious about what they are doing.
So, Rockstar recently performed a suspicious action and attracted reactions from gamers. First, they changed the background image on their official website with a new logo and the words “Killing Dreams, Murdering Hope, Fighting the righteous, Bullying the Weak” in the middle. The second is a new image that gives the impression of a thick retro-futuristic theme through a unique robot design.

Although Rockstar itself has not spoken about these two changes, gamers believe that this action is related to the new game they will release. Well, let’s just wait for confirmation from Rockstar.
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