Server Disruption, Lokapala Release Postponed Until March

Server Disruption, Lokapala Release Postponed Until March, The official release or official launch of this game made by Anantarupa Studios will experience a change in schedule. With this information, of course, gamers, especially those in Indonesia, feel disappointed with this news.
Lokapala itself is a moba genre game made by the nation’s children, this game itself has received so many positive responses from various parties. At the launch of the Beta version, this game managed to get at least about 30 thousand downloads which will be a pretty good starting capital.
Server Disruption, Lokapala Release Postponed Until March
Lokapala: Saga of the six realms or more popularly known as Lokapala is a moba game that can be said to be currently parallel to other moba genre games such as Mobile Legends Bang – Bang, Arena Of Valor, Omyouji Arena, and other moba games. .
As reported by the site, they said that the postponement of the release of the Lokapala game was due to a problem with the game server. After further investigation, it turned out that the developer of this game was migrating servers, which made the game function improperly.

In order to improve and make game performance better, Anantarupa Studios is currently doing maintenance on their servers and they say that this server migration will take approximately 2 days.
However, to ensure the stability of the game the developer needs at least one week to ensure that the Lokapala game does not experience any lags or bugs which will damage the comfort of the players.
The official release of this game itself will also be planned for the second week of March, so for those of you who can’t wait for this game, you have to be more patient.
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