So that you do not get stressed during the Corona Virus Outbreak, WHO Suggests Playing Games!

Lately the Corona virus outbreak has been in the spotlight of the world. How not, more and more days are dying from the virus. Therefore, the government recommends staying at home to prevent the spread of the Corona virus.
WHO as the body of the world health organization recommends that people stay at home when the Corona outbreak occurs. They also recommend what activities can be done when an outbreak occurs. Such as eating nutritious foods, regular exercise and other activities.
Of course, mental health must be maintained because stress can easily hit anyone who is confined at home. Tedros Adhanom as Director General of WHO said playing games can relieve stress when this outbreak occurs.
Games can be an antidote to boredom, and can be entertainment for those who play them. But also don’t overdo it because it can lead to negative sides for the players.
Source: WHO
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