The Meaning of Violet Evergarden anime 'love'!

Anime Violet Evergarden based on the novel by Kana Akatsuki and illustrated by Akito Takase, it tells the story of ‘love’ during the war between the commander and his subordinates.

Is a little girl who lives in a military camp for many years. He was “tempered” very hard so that he could master the techniques of war and become a murder puppet. He must obey his commander’s orders. Every word is a mission to him and there must be a report at the end of the mission. Such harsh training had molded her character so hard it was heartless.
It was impossible at that time to form friendships based on “feelings” especially between the commander and his subordinates, that was what happened. Major Gilbert Bougainvillea loved the little girl and even gave her the name Violet. The Major taught Violet to read, write, and even many things about life. For Gilbert, Violet was a girl who deserved to be loved and protected by evidence of the sincerity Gilbert gave brooch which Violet chose herself and was exactly the color of the Major’s eyeballs slowly but surely her “feeling” began to grow.

That night, while attacking the enemy base, the major’s right eye was hit by gunfire. Violet tried to protect but the Major “collapsed” with the second shot. They were showered with gunfire and bombs which resulted in the severing of both Violet’s arms. The building almost collapsed when the Major said.
“You must live … ..and be free”.
“From the bottom of my heart, I love you”.
This is an anime story but it creates mixed feelings for the audience. Scene after scene were presented ‘like’ a real drama, very ‘detailed’ almost perfect. So it’s no wonder anime Violet Evergarden ‘made’ by the production house Kyoto Animation has been named the best anime and won the main award in the 2021 Best Animation novel category Cruchyrool Anime Awards.
Finally how…. You are still curious, right? Advice from the author, watch the new Violet Evergarden series anime, the movie. Still confused? The author gives a little leak in The movie 2, where Major Gilberbougenvillea is met with Violet Evergarden. The film itself was circulating in Japan last September. Hopefully next year it can be witnessed in Indonesia.
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