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Some Silly Things That Often Happen in Esports Game Tournaments

The silly thing in esports

The esports game is a competitive multiplayer game that requires each player to work together in a team, which aims to win a game. However, behind that, it turns out that there are some ridiculous things that often happen during the tournament. Because the competitive game itself is a battle between 1 team and another team to win. In fact, emotions and lies also often occur here. Are you curious about what silly things that often happen in esports game tournaments? Let’s just look at the following article.

1. Drama

Besides in our environment, drama also happens in the world of esports. In July, the Indonesian esports world was in an uproar by the drama regarding the scandal between Listy Chan, Erico Lim, and Jessica Jane. This is presumably because Erico Lim who tries to play in the back (having an affair) from Jessica Jane. In the end was a name Listy Chan and Erico Lim to be so bad in the eyes of the public, which makes Listy Chan forced out of the team esports EVOS, not even other contracts.

2. Accused of Using Cheats

Have you ever played so well that your opponents thought you were using cheat? Yes, this case recently also happened to the esports team Morph, To be precise si Zaay who grabbed 28 kills until accused of using cheat on PMPL ID 2021. Reza Arap who is the owner of the Morph esports team, was also flooded with questions by netizens. However, Reza Arap himself responded that he believed his team didn’t do that at all.

3. Do Taunting

Taunting is an action that aims to bring down the opponent’s mentality by using gestures or words. At the tournament Mobile Legends Gameprime 2021 then one of the players named Jeel from the team Bigetron This conducts taunting in the form of recall in front of the team base Aerowolf Roxy current team Bigetron it’s confirmed to win the game. As an apology they cut the salary of one of the players, because this action was deemed unpleasant in the tournament Gameprime 2021.

Those are some silly things that often happen in esports game tournaments, make sure you are not the one who will do those silly things, friend GameZeRO.

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