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Someone Completes DOOM for 31 Minutes

It’s been a few weeks since DOOM Eternal was released, now there is someone who has finished the game in less than 31 minutes. It really is crazy, even crazier when you watch it live. Seriously, look at the video, that’s totally crazy.

Speedrunning is nothing new in the gaming world, and DOOM Eternal is an excellent game and suitable for speedruns. Named player Distortion2 finish the game in 32 minutes. However, if you don’t know what speedruns are, it’s the fastest way to finish the game using a few shortcuts / bugs.

You can watch the speedrun video below and see how Distortion2 actually did it in under 31 minutes. Of course, I am pretty sure that someone will soon beat his time. Nevertheless, making such videos requires dedication, skill and focus, so it’s a big compliment to Distortion2.

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