Sony Officially Introduces Dualsense, the New Joystick from PlayStation 5!

After many rumors circulating about the new Joystick from Sony for the PlayStation 5, now the Joystick has been officially introduced to PlayStation fans through the official Playstation blog by Senior Vice President of Platform Planning & Management – Hideaki Nishino.
Sony introduces a new joystick from the PlayStation 5

In a blog that was recently uploaded a few hours after this article was written, Sony is proud to announce the arrival of their new Generation of Joysticks which have a new design, features and name, namely DualSense. This next-gen console has officially replaced the name DualShock that Sony has been using for a long time.
The new joystick, called DualSense, comes with a very modern and futuristic design and a white color that makes this PlayStation 5 joystick even cooler and more minimalist. Sony also embeds a dual-tone color that makes this joystick different from previous designs. In addition, there are new features that are presented in this controller.
Sony itself also said that they have brought some changes to the design and shape of the DualSense Joystick so that gamers are more comfortable using it for a long time. Starting from the feedback button which now uses haptic feedback technology which is claimed to provide a variety of new sensations.
Ready to launch at the end of 2021

In addition, the L2 and R2 trigger buttons now come with Adaptive Trigger technology which can make users more carried away with the atmosphere of the game they are playing.
DualSense now also adds a built-in microphone in the joystick so you can chat right away without being confused about preparing the headset first. Another small touch is the light indicator that moves from the top of the joystick to the side of the touch pad.
At the end of his blog, Sony President and CEO Jim Ryan thanked and announced that the Playstation 5 launch would still be carried out in the 2021 holiday season or later this year.
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