Guide Tigreal in Mobile Legends: Free Tanks with Super Durability!

Guide Tigreal in Mobile Legends: Free Tanks with Super Durability!, Hello GameZero friends, how to push the rank safely – it’s safe, have there been win streaks so far, or are you even losing streaks? .
If you get a lose streak or lose – just lose playing Mobile Legends, whether it’s playing classic or ranked mode, you always lose and maybe get slaughtered. There must be something wrong with your way of playing so it is very difficult to win the match from this moba game.
Even though to win this game is arguably quite easy, as long as you know how, are you curious about how to win matches easily? It’s easy, you have to play well enough, don’t be a feeder, don’t troll, and pay attention to the draft pick of your team. believe me if the things above have been done, you can definitely win easily.
Guide Tigreal in Mobile Legends: Free Tanks with Super Durability!
Now in the reflection of the tips above, especially for those of you who play the role of hero tank initiator on your team, or even in solo ranked mode, GameZero will give a little leak to play a tank hero which in our opinion is very suitable to be played on the current meta, and For this hero mechanic itself, you can say it’s not too difficult to master.
Why does it have to be a tank initiator role? Because in our opinion to win the ranking requires slick teamwork, but without good support from the tank initiator the opportunity to get victory is somewhat impossible, why is that? the existence of good war openings from this role your team will be very difficult to win.
Responding to our suggestions above, GameZero recommends that you use the Tigreal hero as a tank initiator to complete your team’s draft pick. Why does it have to be Tigreal? In our opinion, this hero himself is able to protect the team from enemy attacks, cancel the opponent’s initiation, and be able to provide strong resistance to your team.
Apart from Tigreal, there is a tank with the same role, namely a very good tank initiator at the current meta for you to use like Khufra, for tips and tricks on playing the hero Khufra itself we have discussed in the previous article.
Tigreal Hero Details

As we can see in the picture above, this hero has a specialty as a Crowd Control / Initiator which allows Tigreal to stun enemies. The durability of this old school hero can be said to be quite hard. Offense or the attack power of this tank is indeed small, which means that it is not suitable as a core hero.
Then for the Ability effect or rotation of this hero, it is fast enough to rotate between lanes, and the last for the difficulty level is at an easy level to master. What’s interesting about Tigreal is his passivity, which will get a shield after receiving a basic attack from the enemy, and when the total stack reaches 4, he will be immune to the next basic attack.
Tigreal Emblem Build and Set

Regarding the problem of Build and Emblem here, we take a reference from one of Tigreal’s top global, which for using the Emblem you can use the Custom Emblem Tank and for the talent itself it is recommended to use Tenacity to increase Tigreal’s endurance so that this hero is even stronger in terms of holding down his demage .
Now in addition to the problem of using the right Build and Talent, this hero itself is highly recommended to use the Flicker spell, which by using Flicker allows Tigreal to do the ultimate combo + Flicker + skill 2 or avoid enemy ranking by using this spell.
For the combo from Tigreal itself, you can use the Ulti + Skill 2 + Skill 1 combo or, Skill 2 + Ulti + Skill 1 is a combo that is highly recommended for you to use in matches. And this hero itself is very suitable for chaotic games / bars because Tigreal has a strong endurance.
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