Square Enix Implements Work From Home Permanently!

The COVID-19 virus requires many companies to implement health protocols for all their employees so as not to contract the deadly virus.
Although the current COVID-19 outbreak has gradually improved, it is reported that the company has allowed its employees to return to work in the office.

(source: @pinteres)
That doesn’t seem to be the case for Square Enix. The giant Japanese game developer, recently announced that the company has given freedom for all its employees to work at home (Work From Home) permanently.
Yes, the policy will take effect this December 1, 2021. The goal is to keep employees healthy and fit during the pandemic, in order to increase the efficiency of their company.
“With this, the company is not only expected to be able to create a flexible and diverse work environment, but to increase productivity and help employees achieve an optimal and balanced work life,” said Square Enix.
currently 80% of Square Enix employees around the world still work in their own homes and later all of these employees will choose to work from home permanently or not.
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