This Super Smash Bros player changes a controller that can generate electric current

If you are a Nintendo Switch user, of course you know the Super Smash Bros game. Yes, this fighting game made by Nintendo, which has a crossover concept with various types of video game characters, is one of the most popular Nintendo Switch games.
So, when talking about Super Smash Bros, recently a Super Smash Bros player whose real name is Eric Heckman from YouTube Insert Controller Here is known to have modified a Super Smash Bros controller into a unique controller.
Because the Super Smash Bros player uses a tazer to make his controller can generate electric current when he uses the Pichu character and also launches several movements that require electric power (in the game).
It is known that the controller generates an electric current when Pichu releases the Thouderjolt, Skullbash, Agility, and Thunder skills. Besides, thanks to this controller, you can feel the pain too.
Therefore, this is quite unique for a fan who wants to experience a different sensation while playing the game and must be able to withstand the electric current generated by the characters from the Pokemon game.
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