Tips for Using the PUBG P18C Pistol

Pistol is a weapon that is very rarely used by players. This is because the gun has a very low damage and is used during emergencies only. There are several types of pistols, one of which is the type P18C
Following will share some tips to sharpen your skills when using P18C.
Cannot Hesitate Holding the Fire Button
This type of gun has two modes, namely single and auto. If you encounter an enemy, don’t hesitate to shoot it.
Use the gun only at close range
P18C can only be used at close range because the accuracy does not fit and the damage does not hurt making this type of weapon suitable only for use at close range.
Very little damage, but high firing rate
Like Mimin said earlier, this weapon only has a very small amount of damage. But there is a little solution, namely by using Auto mode, because with firing rate tall one P18Cwould be very deadly for spray enemies at close range.
The Right Attachment for the P18C
P18C can be paired with three Attachments, namely parts Scope, Muzzle and Magazine.
Supressors and Magazine Extended are the right solutions for knowing Attachments.
Suppressor can really help reduce the sound of your every shot, and Magazine Extended can increase the number of bullets on each magazine-you become 25.
Those are some tips to use Gun manifold P18C.
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