5 Tips to Become the Best Impostor Among Us
After Fall Guys, now the name Among Us is also a conversation among gamers. Offering exciting gameplay to be played in multiplayer, the game, which has actually been released since 2021, has become popular. In short, on Among Us Players will be divided into two groups, Crewmates and Impostors.
To win, Crewmate must complete a series of tasks on the spaceship while Impostor must kill a number of Crewmates without getting caught. Many players don’t face any difficulties when playing as Crewmates because they only need to complete the task. Playing as an Impostor is a real challenge because it involves a lot of cunning and trickery.
Therefore, on this occasion, GameFever ID would like to share tips to become the best impostor in Among Us. Curious? Let’s just get on with it!
Keep Acting Like You Look Like You Are Doing A Job

To win as an Impostor, a player must ensure his behavior does not arouse the suspicion of other players. One of the biggest challenges you face as Impostors is being given fake tasks that you can’t actually do. That’s why you need to act as if you are doing your job to be considered a Crewmate.
Tasks such as connecting cables and downloading files do not display special animations. So all you have to do is stand right where the assignment is and have to act to make it look like you’re doing the task.
Also Read: 5 Effective Tips to Beat Impostors among Us
Never Get Close to the Corpses of Other Players

Players who are caught standing next to the body or seen walking out of the room where the body is found will be immediately accused of being an impostor. And that almost always happens in games.
As Impostors, make sure you don’t hang around the corpses of Crewmates. If there are vents nearby and no players around, hide in them. If no Crewmate reports that a body has been found for a long time, you can report it yourself so that you can escape other players’ suspicions.
Perform Strategic Sabotage

Impostors have the ability to carry out all kinds of sabotage to create an emergency situation. Such as turning off the lights, closing the door, giving load to the reactor and disrupting the oxygen supply.
If you are on the edge of the map with a Crewmate, you have to do sabotage that must be completed on the other side of the map. Thus forcing other Crewmates to run towards a location far from you. Use this opportunity to commit murder.
Don’t Get Into The Vents For No Reason

One of the Impostor’s special skills is getting into vents to hide. After entering the vents, you can exit any of the vents scattered all over the map.
You have to remember, because only Impostors can enter the vent, so don’t carelessly and choose a time where to enter. If a Crewmate sees you entering or exiting a vent, it’s certain they will know who you really are. So, make sure the surroundings are safe when you want to enter or exit the vent so that no Crewmate can see.
Build an Alibi and Accuse Other Crewmates

This is what many gamers call it Among Us as a slander simulator game. When a discussion is taking place, never be quiet. It will be a sign of guilt and once you are accused of murdering someone, it will be very difficult to find a way out.
In order to appear innocent, make sure you involve yourself in all discussions. Ask investigator-style questions such as “where was the body found?” or “what tasks did you do?” If you are accused of being Impostors, defend yourselves with a convincing alibi. While building up an alibi, you can also accuse other players for the accusation to move onto them.
Those are some of your tips, especially for those who are just trying Among Us and confusion when becoming an impostor. The tips above are also our experiences when we play them, so you can try them or if you have other tips and tricks you can share them in the comments column below.
Among Us itself available on PC via Steam and can be purchased for IDR 40,000. Apart from Steam, this game can also be played for free on Android and iOS.
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