Here are the Rows of Overwatch Hero Skins available in the Rising Storm Event!
New skins for heroes in Overwatch.
As events others that are on Overwatch, Rising Storm will also present new cosmetics in the form skin for several existing heroes. The heroes who got this this time skin new in event Rising Storm are Baptiste, Junkrat, Moira, Soldier 76, McCree, Bastion, Hammond, Zarya, and Ashe. Here is a look skin to heroes these:
Rising Storm itself is the latest PvE event for Overwatch. According to information shared a few days ago, Rising Storm will bring a new story where this time Mercy, WInston, Genji, and Tracer will hunt for a character named Maximilian who is the right hand man of the Doomfist. Rising Storm will be set in Havana, Cuba as well as the emergence of a high-scale hurricane.
This Rising Storm event will take place from April 16 to May 6.
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