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5 Wild Rift Support Champions with the Best Meta Gameplay

GridGames.ID – In the MOBA game, the Support role is one of the determinants in team victory.

The reason is that support has an important function, namely maintaining the ADC or marksman of teammates to helping other laners.

Whether or not your marksman will be made or not will also be determined by the play from the support who looks after it.

Also Read: The Reasons Why It Is Important To Use Role Support In MOBA Games

If you focus on being a marksman keeper, placing wards at certain points to open the vision is a must.

Although simple, this action also aims to provide information on the location of enemies around your ward.

In addition to placing wards, support sometimes has to remove enemy wards so that the rotation of teammates is unpredictable.

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Supports who are usually used to do these things usually must have at least one Control or Crowd Control (CC) skill and have fast rotation abilities.

Luckily, the latter is not a must-have because in Wild Rift there are Teleport shoe items that can be used for teleportation.

You don’t need to make items that increase damage, because the last hit or kill must be given to your ADC.

Well, GridGames already has 5 lists of champions that represent the above abilities, let’s take a look!

1. Seraphine

Champion Seraphine in League of Legends: Wild Rift

GridGames / Teguh Wicaksana

Champion Seraphine in League of Legends: Wild Rift

Seraphine seems to be one of the champs most often used to complete the composition of the team.

For those of you who want to try to be Support but have a decent damage output, Seraphine seems to be suitable for your gameplay.

This champ is also not only used to fill support roles, but also to fill Mid Lane.

Seraphine’s 2nd skill called Surround Sound is capable of dealing fairly large damage and Healing to teammates as well.

Moreover, the ultimate called Encore has a very large area-of-effect and damage.

Interestingly, for AOE from the ultimate, the range will continue to increase as it hits champs from friends and foes.

Also Read: Recommended Build Champion Seraphine in League of Legends: Wild Rift

2. Blitzcrank

Champion Blitzcrank in League of Legends: Wild Rift

GridGames / Teguh Wicaksana

Champion Blitzcrank in League of Legends: Wild Rift

Blitzcrank is considered a champion tank that has the ability to increase its movement speed too, guys.

Skill 2 called overdrive can increase movement speed from blitzcrank by up to 70%.

This skill can be used to chase opponents, help teammates who are on other lanes to find gaps which are then used for the opportunity to use skill 1 called rocketgrab.

This combo is quite suitable to be used to pull your opponent towards blitzcrank.

Usually, if I use blitzcrank myself, I will put the ward at an unexpected point while looking for an opening to use my rocketgrab skill.

Just a suggestion, if you meet an enemy using blitzcrank, you have to be more careful when he uses his overdrive skill, because these skills are usually used to find loopholes to attract you.

Also Read: Recommended Build for Blitzcrank Items in League of Legends: Wild Rift

3. Sona

Champion Sona in League of Legends: Wild Rift

GridGames / Teguh Wicaksana

Champion Sona in League of Legends: Wild Rift

Being a support is not easy, its main function is to keep the match situation conducive and as much as possible to keep ADC teammates.

For those of you who prefer to keep carry or ADC strong during late-game, champion Sona seems like the most suitable choice for you.

The reason is, Sona has a versatile array of skills, starting from Healing, increasing Movement Speed ​​to applying pressure through attacks, Sona can be all guys!

Even though it’s difficult to make Sona excel in the early-game, this champion with basic role Support and Mage should be taken into account, guys.

Sona’s 2nd skill called Aria of Persverance is able to provide Area-of-Effect (AOE) Healing assistance for your teammates at once.

Moreover, the ultimate called Crescendo is able to provide AOE magic damage and stun for 1 second.

Also Read: Recommended Build Champion Sona Support League of Legends: Wild Rift

4. Lux

Champion Lux in League of Legends: Wild Rift

GridGames / Teguh Wicaksana

Champion Lux in League of Legends: Wild Rift

The Champion with the name Lux was currently being feared when he filled the Support role.

Not because of the terrible early-game damage, but the AOE skill that was given.

Yup, Lux is able to control the enemy for quite a long time because some of her skills do have CC effects.

The current Champ is very suitable to be juxtaposed with Ezreal because the combo is very good.

When skill 1 called Light Binding is able to have the effect of binding two opponents at once for 2 seconds, goks.

When the skill hits the opponent, it is very easy to do poking, especially the ADC that you guard has a wide range.

Not only that, the ultimate called Final Spark is able to provide light attacks that are very much similar to Ezreal’s ultimate.

The advantage of Lux when filling this Support role then grabs the attention of players who want to use powerful combos.

Also Read: Recommended Build Champion Lux Support League of Legends: Wild Rift

5. Braum

Champion Braum in League of Legends: Wild Rift

GridGames / Teguh Wicaksana

Champion Braum in League of Legends: Wild Rift

Filling a Support role in MOBA League of Legends: Wild Rift is one thing that is fairly important.

The reason is, the Support role not only serves to protect ADC teammates or break down enemy defenses, but can also open vision on the map.

Braum is one of the champs who is able to be the best support with a variety of skills offered.

This Champion with basic Support and Tank roles is unique among other Tanks, guys.

Skill 3, called Unbreakable, is able to provide a shield that can understand the attacks of the enemy.

This ability can be used to protect teammates for 5 seconds.

The ultimate, called Glacial Fissure, is also capable of being a CC skill which is useful for providing a stun effect for 1 second.

This AOE ultimate can be used to open war or break through enemy defenses.

Also Read: Build Recommendations for the Strongest Champion Braum League of Legends: Wild Rift

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