Apex Legend Season 4: Introducing New Revenant Character and Great Skill

Revenant is a human who is the victim of an experiment. As a result of the experiment, he lost his human form and turned into a robot. The Revenant character is said to have lived for centuries and has killed many people.
Revenant is rumored to have two forms or ‘sides’, namely’ normal side ‘and’ side shadow‘. The following is skill Revenant:
The following are the abilities possessed by the revenant character
Normal side
Passive: Infiltrator

Climb walls higher and walk while squatting faster than other characters.
Mark for Death
Shoots a poisoned dagger. Marks the enemy if hit by a dagger (like a wallhack) for 60 seconds and will disappear if the target heal to the brim.
Poison Bomb

Launches a poisonous bomb that makes damage and slow down the target.
Death Recall

Men-drop a totem that protects anyone who uses it from death.
Side Shadow
Climb walls higher and walk while squatting faster than other characters.
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