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Blacksmith Job Status and Skill Build in Ragnarok M Eternal Love

Blacksmith Skill Ragnarok M Eternal Love


Blacksmith Skill Ragnarok M Eternal Love

GridGames.ID – Those of you who started choosing the Merchant job in Ragnarok M Eternal Love must be faced with the choice of becoming a Blacksmith or an Alchemist.

This time GridGames will tell you what build status and skills can make Blacksmith good at farming.

Blacksmith is the second job of a Merchant who is a blacksmith who is skilled at making weapons.

Also read: Make the wrong choice! Here’s a Job Explanation at Ragnarok M: Eternal Love

But, Blacksmith is not only good at making weapons, you know. This job is also good at harvesting Zeny to make it rich.

The ax is the main weapon of the Blacksmith job. As Ragnarok players know, the ax is the best weapon to date because it has high damage.

Well, here are the recommendations for build status and skills that you can apply to your Blacksmith character.

1. Build Status

Build Status Blacksmith Ragnarok M Eternal Love


Build Status Blacksmith Ragnarok M Eternal Love

For the first time, increase STR by the maximum amount, then you can increase DEX first.

As GridGames has discussed earlier, STR is useful for increasing the power of attacks or melee attacks.

While DEX is useful for increasing attack, also hit and ASPD or attack speed.

As we know, the ax as a weapon from the Blacksmith is considered a heavy weapon so that it weakens attack speed, therefore DEX is needed.

2. Blacksmith’s choice and upgrade of skills

Blacksmith Skill Ragnarok M Eternal Love


Blacksmith Skill Ragnarok M Eternal Love

First, you have to raise Weaponry Research which is a passive skill until you get stuck at 10, to increase attack +40, hit +30 for the weapons used.

Second, raise Hammerfall (active skill) to stuck 5 which is useful for causing 600% PAtk to the enemy’s target area and stun the enemy for 2 seconds.

Third, just increase 1 Magic Rock Making to make a special effect and finally increase Over Thrust (active skill) until stuck 5 to increase 25% attack in 150 seconds.

Hammerfall: 5
Over Thrust: 3
Weaponry Research: 10
Magic Rock Making: 1

3. Manual Skill Slots

Manual Skill Slot for Blacksmith Ragnarok M Eternal Love


Manual Skill Slot for Blacksmith Ragnarok M Eternal Love

Magic Rock Making
Cart Attack
Loud Exclamation
Over Thrust

4. Auto Skill Slot

Auto Skill Slot Blacksmith Ragnarok M Eternal Love


Auto Skill Slot Blacksmith Ragnarok M Eternal Love

Over Thrust
Loud Exclamation

Also Read: Here’s How to Unlock Auto Skills in Ragnarok M Eternal Love

So, that’s the recommendation for Build Status and Skill Job Blacksmith from GridGames.

You can try it or maybe you have a personal opinion about this job. Immediately comment below, yes.

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