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(Build) Ranger ADL - Ragnarok M: Eternal Love

ROM: Eternal Love Guide Tips and Tricks

Ranger is an advanced job or class from Sniper. After completing the Job Breakthrough up to Job Level 70, your Sniper character can continue to Sniper. This time GameFever ID will provide a build recommendation for a special Ranger with ADL status (Agi-Dex-Luk). Again, this is our recommendation. You are free to follow it or not.


In accordance with the ADL buill name, the distribution for this build of course only focuses on three main statuses, namely Agi, Dex and also Luk. Our distribution recommendations are like this:

  • Maximize Attack Speed ​​(ASPD 480)
  • Get the most out of Dex
  • The remaining points can be allocated to Luk

At level 120, you should have enough status with Dex 119 and Agi for maximum ASPD.


For skills, here are our recommendations:


There are two types of equipment sets that you can use in this ADL Ranger build, namely the Malang Set and the Mystery Set. You can see the equipment recommendations from the two sets below:

Malang SetMystery SetCard
WeaponPoor Snow Crab [2]Mystery Bow [2]Various
Off-handNile’s Bracelet [1]Nile’s Bracelet [1]Various
ArmorSniping Suit [1]Ranger Clothes [1]Archer Skeleton Star Card
GarmentsUndershirt [1]Blueeve Cape [1]Baphomet Jr Card
FootgearsAdvanced Sack Teddy Shoes [1]Advanced Sack Teddy Shoes [1]Male Their Bug Card
AccessoryBrooch / Glove [1]Brooch / Glove [1]Greatest General Card
AccessoryFairy in Bottle [1]Fairy in Bottle [1]Zipper Bear Star Card
HeadwearGolden Antenna [1]Golden Antenna [1]Andre Star Card
FaceEye of DawnEye of Dawn
MouthBlow GunBlow Gun
TailMarchosais’ TailMarchosais’ Tail

That’s all first Ranger ADL build in Ragnarok Eternal Love. You can find a guide Ragnarok Eternal Love and other games on GameFever ID!

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