Due to CO-VID19, Mafia Definitive Edition is Postponed to September 2021!

Some time ago, 2k Games and Hangar 13 announced the presence of a remastered version of Mafia Trilogy which comes with several improvements, especially in terms of graphic quality. However, among the three versions the most interesting are Mafia: Definitive Edition. Where this game is a total remake of the original Mafia game.
Well, recently 2k Games and Hangar 13 announced that Mafia: Definitive Edition officially postponed. Initially, this game was planned to be released on August 28, 2021 but was eventually postponed until September 25, 2021.
2K Games and Hangar 13 explained that the COVID-19 pandemic made them need more time to complete this game. Therefore, 2K Games wants to make sure that Mafia Definitive Edition comes with the best quality.
In addition, they plan to show off the gameplay of Mafia Definitive Edition on July 22nd.
So according to the information above, Mafia: Definitive Edition itself is planned to be launched on September 25, 2021 to the Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC via Steam and Epic Games Store platforms.
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