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UniPin Community Invites Students to Join Esports Careers

Esports Career

Discuss Promising Opportunities to the Important Skills Needed.

Jakarta, 25 January 2021 – Dealing with habit changes on new normal in the education sector and industry today, UniPin as top up platform for online game invites students to see the esports industry which is actually growing, even in the midst of a pandemic. The webinar with the title “Looking at Careers in Esports Entertainment & Esport Event Organizer” which was held on Monday (25/01), by the UniPin Community (Unity) succeeded in directly bridging the esports industry players with students.

Present as speakers, Irliansyah Wijanarko, as Co-Founder & CGO of RevivalTV and Anang RBJ, founder of RBJ Esports exchanged experiences when starting an esports business. Various stories of joy and sorrow were also shared with students as directions for their steps when deciding to enter this industry.

As an actor of entertainment media and event organizer (EO) esports, Irlie – Irliansyah’s nickname – shares that starting a business in the esports industry is no different from starting a business in general. He said that identifying owned capital was an important step at the beginning.

“Take advantage of the capital that you already have from the three existing capitals, namely: money, energy or skills, and time, and find ways to get other capital that you don’t have. Then, live it and identify what esports that something that you really want to do or not. When it started growing and know revenue stream for the esports business that you are running, just think about whether you can continue to be a company or not. ” Said Irliansyah Wijanarko, Co-Founder & CGO RevivalTV.

Meanwhile, Anang shared tips that courage and having a different perspective are the keys to developing the esports media business.

Think different it is important. There are always multiple perspectives in a case. When other people have a lot to say about something, think about it out of the box by taking point of view (POV) is different. Building good relationships is also important, especially when digging up more info about one team or another to get feedback as well as reviews to enrich the POV itself. Besides that, just be brave and confident, because when you are not confident in what you are doing, that’s fine finished. “

Debora Imanuella, as the Senior Vice President of the UniPin Community who was present as the moderator, added that this webinar was held as an effort by UniPin to support the esports industry to grow as well as to prepare students to be more ready to participate in it,

“This afternoon webinar is the first step for UniPin Community in 2021 to be more intense in bridging the esports industry with the community, especially students. We want students to get access to information and opportunities about the content of esports as an industry. We will continue to carry out similar activities and events through a special program, namely, Unity Student Warchief, so that in the future, we hope that more students will get a clear picture of the esports industry and be able to prepare themselves ”.

Recently the UniPin Community has also opened up opportunities for every university student in Indonesia to be able to continue to be connected in the esports ecosystem through their campus representatives through the Unity Student Warchief. Several representatives from well-known universities such as the University of Indonesia, ITB and UGM have joined. All information related to the latest UniPin Community activities can be accessed officially on the official Instagram @unipincommunity.

About UniPin

UniPin (Universal Pin) is a service provider platform top-up leading and trusted online games and digital products, with more than 7 million active users in 35 countries worldwide. Supported by a comprehensive range of payment channels, UniPin provides electronic pins (UniPin Credit) that can be used in various games from various publishers. games. This is in line with UniPin’s company motto “One for All, All for One“. For more information, please visit

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